
Associate Members shall primarily be persons, corporations or other entities that serve as a manufacturer, subcontractor, consultant or supplier to the golf course construction industry, or individuals, corporations or other entities concerned with enhancing the betterment of the game of golf through promotion of high standards and ethical practices among golf course builders, their suppliers, subcontractors, consultants and equipment manufacturers. The Board of Directors must approve new Associate Members for membership. Associate Members shall be entitled to be represented on the Association's Board of Directors and upon timely payment of their annual dues shall each have one (1) vote for each Board member to be elected and for other matters.

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Builder/Irrigation Contractor Applicant

Builder/Irrigation Contractor Applicant Members shall primarily be persons, corporations or other entities that are new members active in the golf course building industry as golf course builders and who could qualify for Associate Builder, Associate Irrigation Contractor, Builder, or Renovation Builder membership when those qualifications are met. Builder/Irrigation Contractor Applicant Members should progress their membership within two (2) years from joining the Association. The Board of Directors shall approve new Builder/Irrigation Contractor Applicant Members for membership. Builder/Irrigation Contractor Applicant Members shall be entitled to be represented on the Association's Board of Directors and upon timely payment of their annual dues shall each have one (1) vote for each Board member to be elected and for other matters. Dues for this category will be the same as those for Associate Members.

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Independent Affiliate

To qualify for Independent Affiliate membership, applicants must currently be a member of one of the Allied Associations of Golf. For a listing, click the Application below.

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International Members are individuals whose business is primarily executed outside of the United States. International Members do not have voting rights. The provision for this membership category is to promote goodwill and sharing of information in the best interests of the Association. The Board of Directors must approve new International Members for membership.

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Professional Member

Professional Memberships include but are not limited to individuals holding valid licenses or certificates as a profession under the laws of any state, territory, province, or district of the United States, or the equivalent as defined under the laws of any other country. Areas of profession may include consultant, engineer, designer, accountant, attorney, insurance, risk management, logistics, trade skills, or public relations. The cost of this membership is $200USD annually.

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Builder Members shall be corporations, individuals, or other entities active in the golf course building industry that have held the general contract on a minimum of three (3) eighteen (18) hole golf courses or the equivalent within the last five (5) years, and who are an established business within the United States, and that, prior to becoming a Builder Member, have been an Active Member for a minimum of twelve (12) months, and have attended a minimum of one (1) Association meeting per fiscal year of the Association. Builder Members shall be entitled to be represented on the Association's Board of Directors and upon timely payment of their annual dues shall each have one (1) vote for each Board member to be elected and for other matters. The Board of Directors shall approve new Builder Members for membership. Prior to the approval of their membership application, Builder Members will be considered Associate Builder Members. Application may be made at least three (3) months prior to the next Association meeting.

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Download Worksheet (Both documents must be completed and submitted together for consideration)

Renovation Builder

Renovation Builder members shall be corporations, individuals, or other entities active in the golf course building industry that have held the general contract on two (2) eighteen (18) hole golf courses or the equivalent within the last five (5) years and who are an established business within the United States, and prior to applying for Renovation Builder, have been an Associate Builder member or higher for a minimum of twelve (12) months and have attended a minimum of one ( 1 ) Association meeting per fiscal year of the Association. Renovation Builders can also be or have been a Builder or Certified Builder member. Renovation Builder members shall be entitled to be represented on the Associations Board of Director's and upon timely payment of their annual dues shall have one (1) vote for Board members to be selected and for other matters. If a member belongs to more than one (1) member category they are only entitled to one (1) vote. The Board of Director's shall approve new Renovation Builder members for membership. Prior to approval of their membership, Renovation Builder members will be considered Associate Builders or their other membership type. Application may be made at least three (3) months prior to the next Association meeting.

Worksheet (Both documents must be completed and submitted together for consideration)

Irrigation Contractor

Golf Course Irrigation Contractor Members shall be corporations, individuals or other entities active in the golf course building industry that have held the contract for irrigation installation on a minimum of three (3) 18 hole golf courses or the equivalent within the last five (5) years and who are an established business within the United States and prior to becoming a Golf Course Irrigation Contractor Member have been an Associate Golf Course Irrigation Contractor member for a minimum of twelve (12) months and have attended a minimum of one (1) Association meeting per fiscal year of the Association. Golf Course Irrigation Contractors can also be or have been a Builder, Renovation Builder, Certified Builder, or Certified Renovation Builder member. Golf Course Irrigation Contractor Members shall be entitled to be represented on the Associations Board of Directors and upon payment of their annual dues shall have one (1) vote for each Board member to be elected and for other matters. If a member belongs to more than one (1) member category they are only entitled to one (1) vote. The Board of Directors shall approve new Golf Course Irrigation Contractor members for membership. Prior to approval of their membership application for Golf Course Irrigation Contractor, members will be considered Associate Golf Course Irrigation Contractor or their prior category. Application may be made at least three (3) months prior to the next Association meeting.


Certified Builder

The Golf Course Builders Association of America established the designation Certified Golf Course Builder in 1992 as part of the Professional Certification Program. To earn this designation, a golf course construction company must complete an application and pass an examination of 100 objective questions covering topics related to golf course construction. These topics include golf course design and layout, clearing, earthmoving, finish grading, drainage, green construction, bunker construction, irrigation, fertilization, seeding, soil structure, regulations, grow-in, building structures and cart paths. The exam is given at GCBAA Meetings. In order to be eligible for certification, a company must also meet the following requirements: Establish that they have been in the golf course construction business for at least five years under their current name, and have completed construction of 18 holes of golf, or the equivalent, per year for each of the past five (5) years under the direction of an architect. Provide references from individuals in five (5) of the following seven (7) categories: course owner/developer, golf course architect, engineer, irrigation designer, golf course superintendent, municipality, and certified golf course builder. Provide references from a financial institution, credit agency, insurance company, and bonding company. Consistently engage in ethical business practices. Certification is an ongoing process, and builders are re-certified annually. As part of this process, a builder must attend at least one (1) GCBAA educational or approved educational session per year.

Certified Renovation Builder

The Golf Course Builders Association of America established the designation Certified Golf Course Renovation Builder in 2012 in conjunction with the Professional Golf Course Builder Certification Program. To earn this designation, a golf course construction company must complete an application and pass an examination of 100 objective questions covering topics related to golf course construction. These topics include golf course design and layout, clearing, earthmoving, finish grading, drainage, green construction, bunker construction, irrigation, fertilization, seeding, soil structure, regulations, grow-in, building structures and cart paths. The exam is given at GCBAA Meetings throughout the year. In order to be eligible for certification, a company must also meet the following requirements: Establish that they have been in the golf course construction business for at least five (5) years under their current name, and have completed construction of the equivalent of sixty (60) holes of golf during the past five (5) years, along with having completed construction of one (1) 18 hole golf course during the past year. Provide written references from professional individuals in three (3) of the following seven (7) categories; owner/developer, engineer, irrigation designer, golf course superintendent, local government, construction manager, course management company. Additionally, must provide written reference from a recognized golf course architect and an existing Certified Golf Course Builder or equivalent reference acceptable to the Certification Board of Governors. Provide references in writing from a financial institution, insurance company and bond company. Consistently engage in ethical business practices. Certification is an ongoing process, and builders are re-certified annually. As part of this process, a renovation builder must attend at least one (1) GCBAA educational or approved educational session per year.

Certified Golf Course Irrigation Contractor

The Golf Course Builders Association of America established the designation of Certified Golf Course Irrigation Contractor in 2014. The Certified Golf Course Irrigation Contractor Membership serves to compliment irrigation contractor companies who specialize in irrigation installation on golf course construction projects. To qualify for Certification, companies must be able to show they have been in the golf course construction business for at least five (5) years with at least one (1) complete 18-hole golf course irrigation system being installed within the past two (2) years. Additionally, applicants must provide reference letters from their bank, insurance provider, owners, developers, architects, engineers, superintendents, irrigation designers, municipalities and an existing Certified member of the GCBAA. Applicants must also complete a technical written exam that was written by contractors, irrigation consultants and manufacturers, and an interview with the Board of Governors. As with all Certified members, continuing education must be maintained along with annual renewal applications. For the first year of the program, existing Certified Builders and Certified Renovation Builders will be automatically included in the Certified Golf Course Irrigation Contractor category. However, to continue their listing, members must take an exam and submit their irrigation work to be considered for future listings.


6040 S. 58th Street, Suite D
Lincoln, NE 68516


Phone: 402.476.4444





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